Halle Berry says she would ‘take a bullet’ for her kids | Entertainment

Halle Berry says she would ‘take a bullet’ for her kids | Entertainment

Halle Berry would “take a bullet” for her kids.

The 57-year-old actress has Nahla, 15, with her ex-Nicholas Aubry as well as Maceo-Robert, 10,with former partner Olivier Martinez and explained why she could relate to her new role as a mother in ‘Never Let Go’.

She told ‘Entertainment Tonight’: “You know, we say as mama bears … we say, ‘I will take a bullet for my kids. I will do anything for my kids.

“This [role] gave me an opportunity to really play that scenario out, right, to really take a bullet for my kids. Like, really put my life out there for them in a real way. And so, yes, I think of my real kids every step of the way. It’s who I am. It’s what makes me.”

In the film, the Oscar-winning star – who was initially married to David Justice, then to Eric Benet and divorced Olivier in 2013 after three years of marriage – has to skin a squirrel as part of the story and she admitted that both of her kids would have an adverse reaction to the scene.

She said: “My daughter would be slightly grossed out and wondering why I would do that to a squirrel. My son probably won’t see it. He’s a little scared, like, I don’t know, he might have nightmares. I don’t know if he should see it just yet.

She just saw ‘The Shining’ and she was like, ‘This is a cross between ‘The Shining’ and ‘Get Out’

“I shouldn’t be saying that, I know. Who am I to say? But when I read the script that’s what I thought of, those two movies.”

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