Stress management: Lifestyle modifications to soothe your nerves | Health Conditions News

Stress management: Lifestyle modifications to soothe your nerves | Health Conditions News

Chronic stress invites several number of health ailments. Prolonged periods of stress, the body releases cortisol, a hormone that can damage nerve cells over time. But modifying lifestyle patterns can help here

Breathing exercises to relieve stress (Photo credit: Pexels)

New Delhi: Chronic stress can have a profound impact on our nerves, disrupting their functioning and affecting our overall well-being. When we experience prolonged periods of stress, the body releases cortisol, a hormone that can damage nerve cells over time. This can lead to symptoms such as numbness, tingling, and even pain in different parts of the body. Additionally, stress can also trigger inflammation in the nervous system, further exacerbating nerve-related issues.

Dr Manjusha Agarwal, Senior Consultant Internal Medicine, Gleneagles Hospital Parel Mumbai, said that the while stress can take a toll on the overall body, lifestyle changes can help soothe the nervous system.

Lifestyle changes to soothe your nerves

To soothe your nerves and alleviate the effects of stress, consider implementing the following lifestyle changes:

Stress management techniques: Engage in stress-reducing activities such as deep breathing exercises, progressive muscle relaxation, mindfulness meditation, or yoga. These practices help activate the body’s relaxation response and promote a sense of calmness.

Regular exercise: “Physical activity releases endorphins, which are natural mood-boosting chemicals. Aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise most days of the week. Choose activities you enjoy, such as walking, jogging, swimming, or dancing,” shared the expert.

Prioritise sleep: Establish a consistent sleep routine and ensure you get adequate sleep each night. Create a peaceful sleep environment, avoid stimulating activities before bedtime, and limit exposure to electronic devices. Quality sleep promotes overall well-being and supports nervous system health.

Healthy diet: Eat a balanced diet consisting of nutrient-rich foods like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats. Avoid excessive consumption of processed foods, refined sugars, caffeine, and alcohol, as these can negatively impact mood and nervous system function.

Engage in hobbies and relaxation activities: Make time for activities that bring you joy and help you relax. “This could include reading, listening to music, practicing a hobby, spending time in nature, or engaging in creative outlets like painting, writing, or playing an instrument,” added Dr Agarwal.

Nurture social connections: Cultivate positive and supportive relationships. Surround yourself with friends, family, or a support network. Sharing your thoughts and feelings with trusted individuals can provide emotional support and help alleviate stress.

By making these simple yet effective lifestyle adjustments, you can protect your nerves from the damaging effects of stress and improve your overall quality of life.

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