Acosta Drags The GOP For Destroying Reagan's 'Big Tent' Philosophy Of Politics

Acosta Drags The GOP For Destroying Reagan's 'Big Tent' Philosophy Of Politics

Jim Acosta’s weekly monologue on his weekend shows are epic, but Saturday’s really hit on all cylinders. I could hardly keep up with the zigs and zags, the uppercuts and the knockout blows. But let me try to highlight some of the best parts of the above clip, in order.

Opening with the new pro-Russia stance many in the GOP and right wing media are taking, repeating literal Kremlin talking points. Going back a few decades, Acosta points out Ronald Reagan’s role in ending the Cold War and ending with Hawley and Tucker questing why the US is supporting Ukraine, stating that “Hawley appears to be aligning himself with a pro-Russia movement inside the GOP, led by former President Donald Trump and FOX’s Kremlin comrade, Tucker Carlson.” Then he ran a brutal and very short clip of Tucker saying: “Why is it disloyal to side with Russia but loyal to side with Ukraine? They’re both foreign countries that don’t care anything about the United States. Kind of strange.”


Then back to Tucker and a guest, literally ADMITTING he is a sexist pig for hating women in power. I am not joking. Here is the back and forth:

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Why are you pretending that Hillary Clinton, Kamala Harris, Stacey Abrams that they can save us? They can save this world. This is lunacy. Out of her role completely.

And I’m sorry if that paints me as a sexist pig, but it’s what I believe.

CARLSON: Well, that’s just — I mean, that’s just an epithet designed to make you be quiet. But I guess I wonder, why is that? Why are you not allowed to have that opinion? Why is that so controversial? That was the opinion of every society like from the beginning of time until about 20 minutes ago.

Acosta verbalized my exact thought, saying: “Notice no push back from Carlson. Is Tucker also a sexist pig, as Tucker would say? I don’t know. I’m just asking questions. Why is one not allowed to have that opinion?” (the answer is probably yes, for the record).

Rounding out the clip, Acosta ran the clip where Pence FINALLY said what needed to be said, with Pence saying: “And I heard this week that President Trump said I had the right to overturn the election. President Trump is wrong.” Too bad the GOP has already annointed Trump the 2024 GOP Presidential candidate, with Lindsey “lap dog” Graham saying: “It’s his party. It’s not Lindsey Graham’s party. He will be the nominee in 2024 if he wants it. Stay tuned.”

More big hits, with a clip of a book burning in Tennessee a week after Maus was banned by a school board.

Then Marjorie Taylor Greene attacking public health officials for not prescribing (checks notes) horse dewormer. Ted Cruz joking about power outages in Texas while he looks for airfare deals to Cancun. Rudy Giuliani having his reputation cleaned up after a stint on the Masked Singer.

But nothing, nothing is as disgusting as the RNC stunt on Friday. Acosta absolutely dragged them, saying: “But perhaps nothing sinks as low as this. On Friday, the Republican National Committee formally censured two of its own, Adam Kinzinger and Liz Cheney, for their work on the January 6th committee.

The RNC resolution — get this — describes the attack on the Capitol as, quote, “legitimate political discourse.” There was nothing legitimate about it. This is way worse than a violation of Reagan’s 11th commandment, thou shall not speak ill of a fellow Republican. This is a national embarrassment. If one of the two parties is embracing political violence now as legitimate discourse, we owe it to one another to tell the truth.”

Acosta ended with a warning. A real, raw, honest statement: “This is a national emergency. The Republican Party has now become a national emergency. The party has chosen its course. It will not be Ronald Reagan. Forget, “Win one for the Gipper.” It looks like they’re going with democracy’s Jack the Ripper.”

Our country has been overtaken by a cult led by a former reality tv star and failed real estate mogul. History will never be able to understand how this happened. But then again, Germany was overtaken by a house painter who lost his election, served prison time and came back to take over the country and murder over 6 million Jews. So I guess anything is possible with weak guardrails, a complicit media and a weak political party willing to roll over and be taken over by strongmen.

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