Biden Signs Bill: Capitol Police Can Now Request National Guard Help On Their Own

Biden Signs Bill: Capitol Police Can Now Request National Guard Help On Their Own

President Joe Biden on Wednesday signed legislation to allow the Capitol Police to directly request the assistance of the National Guard.

The bipartisan legislation titled “Capitol Police Emergency Assistance Act of 2021” was passed following the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol.

The new law empowers “the Chief of the United States Capitol Police to unilaterally request the assistance of the DC National Guard or Federal law enforcement agencies in emergencies without prior approval of the Capitol Police Board.”

The bill was passed by both the House and the Senate without opposition.

In a statement, the president thanked senators from both parties for their leadership.

INBOX: Biden has signed a significant piece of legislation related to Jan. 6 that passed the House and Senate unanimously with little fanfare.

It empowers the Capitol Police chief to request emergency National Guard assistance without consulting others.

— Kyle Cheney (@kyledcheney) December 22, 2021

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