COVID-Infected Unmasked Trump Exposed Over 500 People In 7 Days

COVID-Infected Unmasked Trump Exposed Over 500 People In 7 Days

As Fox News wrings their hands in agony because President Biden has a scratchy voice, The Washington Post is reporting Trump came into the proximity of 500 people after he tested positive for COVID.

This is another symptom of Trump’s unfitness for public office.

In fact, Trump was hospitalized at Walter Reed about a week later. From the day he tested positive until his hospitalization, Trump came in contact with more than 500 people, either those in proximity to him or at crowded events, not including rallygoers, according to a Washington Post analysis of the president’s interactions during that period.

That seven-day window reveals a president and chief of staff who took a reckless, and potentially dangerous, approach to handling the coronavirus, including Trump’s own positive test.

On October 5th, Red Painter wrote, Trump Gasps For Breath During His Mussolini Balcony Return To The White House

Now 3 days later he is so antsy that he demanded to be released, racing back to the White House – WHILE STILL CONTAGIOUS.

Trump and his right-wing enablers did not care at all if Trump infected his entire White House staff, the Secret Service, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, or anyone else he came in contact with.

Trump and Meadows even hid their positive test results from their closest allies and top US public health officials. Instead Trump headed to PA to another rally.

Over 24 people were infected because of Trump’s malicious negligence that we are aware of. I imagine it was much more than that.

His malfeasance was all in service of his re-election push.

Nothing else mattered.

Not even the lives he swore to protect.

Not even the lives of his closest friends and allies.

A deadbeat liar in chief, till the end.

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