Ilhan Omar Plays Vile Death Threat At Press Conference

Ilhan Omar Plays Vile Death Threat At Press Conference

Good on Ilhan Omar for forcing the DC press to listen to the consequences of Lauren Boebert’s Republican-sanctioned bigotry.

Omar played a voicemail from a man clearly endorsing white supremacist views. The caller goes on a verbal rampage against the congresswoman, using the n-word, promising violence and death, before switching to a threat of “military tribunal” against her. (No one is suggesting logic is part of the call.)

This voicemail followed Lauren Boebert’s (R-CO) recent Islamophobic attacks on her.

Again, the DC press had to listen. There is no way to “both sides” this, though of course the headline writers sure do try:

The initial headline at Axios was “Omar releases profanity-laced voicemail.” REALLY.

They just can’t stop making this “both sides.”

One side is that caller.

One side is not that caller.

It’s not complicated.

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