Michelle Malkin Booted Off Airbnb

Michelle Malkin Booted Off Airbnb

Michelle Malkin, the extreme right-wing commentator, has been banned by Airbnb for attending the white nationalist organization American Renaissance’s gathering in Nashville last November.

Just looking at Malkin, it’s hard to fathom that she would align herself with white nationalist organizations, but that’s what we have. Malkin made her career going after immigrants and immigration policies she has repeatedly claimed is destroying America.

ADL write an article titled, “Michelle Malkin is Attempting to Normalize White Supremacy

Malkin has been palling around with the Proud Boys, groypers,VDare, and holocaust deniers like Nick Fuentes.

The Daily Beast reports, “Consistent with our policies, if we become aware of users who are members of or are actively affiliated with hate groups, we remove them from Airbnb,” company spokesperson Ben Breit told The Daily Beast on Wednesday. The site also banned Malkin’s husband, she wrote, since her trips were often booked from his account.”

It’s hard for a Republican to get fired from any conservative or right-wing outlet, but Malkin was kicked to the curb by YAF for being too racist.

C&L has covered Malkin as long as we’ve been in business and a constant presence on Fox News.

Michelle Malkin is the known smear artist of the Frost family and countless others including posting personal information about students at Santa Cruz college and even attacked an eleven year old girl.

Good on Airbnb for doing the correct thing.

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