Nikki Haley Sez Mike Pence Shouldn't Criticize Other Republicans

Nikki Haley Sez Mike Pence Shouldn't Criticize Other Republicans

Morning Joe highlighted Nikki Haley for her hypocrisy this morning with an amusing little montage.

“Former South Carolina governor and U.N. ambassador under Donald Trump, Nikki Haley is calling out Mike Pence. She praised the former vice president for not overturning the election, but took issue with him for saying this,” Mika Brzezinski said.

President Trump is wrong. I had no right to overturn the election.

Look, Mike Pence is a good man. He is an honest man. I think he did what he thought was right on that day, but I will always say I just — I’m not a fan of Republicans going against Republicans because the only ones that win when that happens are the Democrats and the media.

“Nikki Haley is definitely not a fan of Republicans going after Republicans.”

“Don’t do it.”

“No way. Uh huh.”

TRUMP: Your RINO Governor Brian Kemp who is has been a complete disaster on election integrity.

I think President Trump has always been opinionated, just because he loves being president that’s not going to stop.

“Donald Trump blasted Mitch McConnell as a dour, sullen and unsmiling political hack who doesn’t have what it takes.”

HALEY: For all of you that are going to ask about 2020, no, I am not running for 2020. I’ll promise you what I will be doing is campaigning for this one. I will look forward to supporting the president in the next election.

REPORTER: Jeff Flake was a chairman of the committee and Paul Ryan retired. Whose fault it is?

TRUMP: In Jeff Flake’s case, it’s me, pure and simple. I retired him. I’m very proud of I did, I did the country a great service.

REPORTER: If he runs again in 2024 will you support him?


“You don’t criticize — she’s against it. Ronald Reagan’s 11th commandment, Republicans don’t attack Republicans. So she’s criticizing Mike Pence, never once criticized Donald Trump for attacking Republicans, I don’t think.”

“It’s remarkable. Nikki Haley’s transformation is, I would say, in some ways complete. I was actually on the ground in South Carolina when — after that horrific attack on the church there and really, you know, a hate crime that took place, and, you know, it’s amazing because there was so much pressure on Nikki Haley at the time to take down the confederate flag from the state house and ultimately she did do that,” Mara Gay said.

“It’s hard to even square these two Nikki Haleys at this point. Of course, the culture wars have become so much more intensified now, you know, after Donald Trump, four years of Trump, but it just goes to show how far even those who were moderates in the party have benched their own dignity to the will of Donald Trump and the most extreme parts of the Republican party. And, you know, it’s disappointing and frankly, the American public can expect more from people who call themselves leaders.

“There has to be some — some level you would hope at which the people would say, I would rather lose my seat than continue on with this charade, but there seems to be no bottom and we keep saying this. Mika, it is boring. It is boring, but it’s still important,” Gay said.

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