Police are taking steps to stop the movement in Canada

Police are taking steps to stop the movement in Canada

The movement against corona-related restrictions continues in the Canadian capital, Ottawa. The court ordered protesters to leave the crossing at 7pm local time on Friday. However, disobeying the instructions, the protesters are still blocking it.

Police say they are going to take steps to implement the court’s directive. This means that the protesters will be removed by force.

Earlier on Friday, US President Biden called Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau to end the blockade. Justin Trudeau assured Biden of a speedy resolution of the crisis.

Meanwhile, agitating truck drivers have also blocked the busiest border crossing from Canada to the United States. The blockaded border crossing is known as the Ambassador Bridge. It is used as an important trade route between Windsor, Ontario, Canada, and Detroit, Michigan, USA. In addition to the Ambassador Bridge, there are several other Canadian border crossings.

Windsor police said blocking the border crossing would be a criminal offense following a court order. Police warned protesters that their vehicles could be confiscated if they disobeyed a court order. They may even be barred from entering the United States.

Earlier, the province’s Premier Doug Ford declared a state of emergency in Ontario to deal with the situation. He said disrupting vital infrastructure during an emergency would be considered illegal.

The Canadian government issued a coroner’s vaccination order for cross-border truck drivers on January 15. Under this, Canadian truck drivers who have not been vaccinated will have to stay in quarantine every time they cross the border in their truck.

The United States has also imposed an obligation on foreign truck drivers to be vaccinated. The truck drivers became angry and started protesting after the order regarding vaccination.
