Ted Cruz Diverts Time To Canadian Truckers' Anti-Vax Campaign As Winter Storm Pounds Texas

Ted Cruz Diverts Time To Canadian Truckers' Anti-Vax Campaign As Winter Storm Pounds Texas

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) announced on Sunday that he is pushing for an investigation into GoFundMe for Canadian truckers despite a winter storm that is pounding the senator’s state.

During an interview on Fox News, Cruz said that he had taken up the cause of Canadian truckers who oppose vaccine mandates after GoFundMe froze $10 million of their funds.

For its part, GoFundMe has said the page for the Canadian truckers was taken down due to misinformation about vaccines. The company said that all donations would be refunded within 7-10 business days.

“It is theft on the part of GoFundMe,” Cruz declared on Fox News. “Let me say the Canadian truckers are heroes. They are patriots and they are marching for your freedom and for my freedom. They are — those truck drivers — God bless them. They’re defending Canada but they’re defending America as well. That is courage on display, that the government doesn’t have the right to force you to comply to their arbitrary mandates.”

Cruz went on to reveal that he has asked the United States Federal Trade Commission (FTC) to investigate GoFundMe on behalf of the Canadian truckers.

“Because when people gave money, they gave money under the promise it would go to the Freedom Convoy, not to whatever left-leaning political ideology GoFundMe and other Silicon Valley companies support,” he ranted. “They are deceiving consumers and it is wrong.”

There is no evidence GoFundMe committed “theft” or is redirecting donations to “left-leaning” political causes.

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