Professional learning available for 4th grade science teachers through PIMSER – Kentucky Teacher

Professional learning available for 4th grade science teachers through PIMSER – Kentucky Teacher

PIMSER is a partner on a 4th grade science professional learning program funding by U.S. Department of Education that results in the teachers being highly effective in using research-based strategies.

The strategies have applications across the curriculum and can be shared across the school for implementation and improvement. We have had more than 40 Kentucky 4th and 5th grade science teachers go through this program, and they have all had learning gains with students.

In the final year of this USDOE project led by BSCS Science Learning called STeLLA (Science Teachers Learning from Lessons Analysis), there are positions remaining for 4th grade teachers in Kentucky.

The STeLLA professional learning approach that BSCS developed has 20-plus years of research and is in the What Works Clearinghouse as a Tier 1 proven approach that improves teacher and student knowledge. The teachers will receive the STeLLA professional learning approach on July 15-19 in Lexington.

The project then continues with a two-day winter institute in Lexington and eight two-hour online study groups throughout the year. As the project ends in May 2025, participants will leave having engaged in learning two units that supports the shifts happening in the science classroom and the research-based strategies to support all students learning.

Registration:  The cost of this professional learning opportunity is $2,600.  The registration fee that BSCS is charging to participate includes hotel costs in Lexington for five nights; breakfast; snacks and lunch during the sessions; two classroom kits they’ll use implementing the units of study which are titled “Energy Transfer” and “Earth’s Changing Surface.”

The registration fee does not include a stipend for the teacher, mileage, or dinner reimbursement. Deeper Learning Funds can be used to pay for the professional learning opportunity. You can use the QR code at the bottom of the attached flyer to view the details and register.

Deadline:  The deadline for applying is April 15. More details can be found on the Summer 2024 STeLLA Scale Up and Sustainability Study Teacher Registration webpage.