Final Fantasy 7 Remake Part 3 Expected to Release Around 2027, Says Square Enix

Final Fantasy 7 Remake Part 3 Expected to Release Around 2027, Says Square Enix

It’s fairly common knowledge that Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth enjoyed a relatively smooth development cycle, owing to the fact that Final Fantasy 7 Remake’s team was largely kept intact, and the first game had obviously laid the foundations in terms of visuals and gameplay systems. It took Square Enix around three years to craft Rebirth, and it expects the same kind of timeline when it comes to the third (and final) title in the trilogy.

That’s according to director Yoshinori Kitase (as reported by Audrey). He says that, once again, the third game will be put together by the same team, and that the goal is to create another title on par with Remake and Rebirth’s overall quality. On that note, it sounds like part three’s main story is already written — as you might have guessed — and the developer’s thinking about recording voicework in the near future.

So, in short, we can expect the third instalment in the Remake trilogy to arrive in 2027, or thereabouts. However, it should be noted that an additional year of development was afforded to Remake’s Yuffie DLC, which was part of Final Fantasy 7 Remake Intergrade on PS5. We don’t yet know if Rebirth will receive a similar expansion, but if it does, we could be looking at 2028 for the third game.

It’s worth mentioning that the PS5 will be seven years old in November 2027 — and by that point, we’ll probably be looking towards the next PlayStation console, if previous generations are anything to go by. Still, the timing makes sense if Square Enix wants to get all three games on one platform.

How do you feel about this supposed timeline? What are your hopes and dreams for the third title? Have yourself a reunion in the comments section below.

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