Helldivers 2 players were right: the new Warbond’s Ground Breaker armor has the wrong passive bonus, but Arrowhead says it’ll be fixed soon

Helldivers 2 players were right: the new Warbond’s Ground Breaker armor has the wrong passive bonus, but Arrowhead says it’ll be fixed soon

Yep, that new CE-27 Ground Breaker armor released as part of the latest Helldivers 2 Warbond really was meant to have a different passive installed, and the devs at Arrowhead are already working on a fix to make things right.

“Regarding the CE-27 Ground Breaker armor, we’re aware of a slight mixup that resulted in it going live with the Servo-Assisted passive instead of the Engineering Kit passive as advertised,” community manager Spitz says in a Discord announcement. “This should be changed back in an upcoming hotfix – please keep this in mind if this armor is one of the reasons you’re thinking of purchasing the new warbond!”

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