TSA offers travel tips for anyone carrying a weapon | Homepage

TSA offers travel tips for anyone carrying a weapon | Homepage

The Meridian Regional Airport hosted members of the Transportation Security Administration today.

These TSA members were on hand to discuss how to properly pack a firearm for transport in checked luggage, and they also provided travel tips.

Twin States News asked Mississippi’s Assistant Federal Security Director for Screening, Monya Bates, why it is unsafe to bring these items on a plane.

“Some things cannot go because it is intelligence based, but there are other things that would be harmful for other passengers. Or someone who had the intent to do wrong could potentially harm the aircraft or another passenger on the aircraft.”

There were guns, knives, corkscrews, wrenches and much more on the table full of abandoned items.

Bates also mentions that these items were left by their owner and could have been retrieved or placed elsewhere.

“The options that they have are to take the item back to their car. They can leave it with a family member or another person that may be waiting to see them off, as well as ask the airline if they would have the opportunity to place the item in their checked luggage.”

President of Meridian Airport Authority, Tom Williams, mentions why people often have these items in their bag.

“You might actually come in a little later than you should for a flight and forget you have something in your baggage that shouldn’t be there. And if you try to enter that checkpoint with it, you can get in big trouble.”

If you are getting on a plane, it’s probably safe to leave any weapons at home.

TSA is currently hiring part-time transportation security officers at Meridian Regional Airport.

You can apply at jobs.tsa.gov.

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