New Valentine’s Day gift Tulip, hope to sell flowers worth Tk 25 crore

New Valentine’s Day gift Tulip, hope to sell flowers worth Tk 25 crore

Gadkhali of Jessore is famous for its flower capital. The flower market has been frozen for three days. After almost two years, smiles have appeared on the faces of flower growers. They say that as the days get closer, the price of flowers will increase. As a result, they will be able to compensate for the loss of corona. This time they are expecting to sell flowers worth Tk 20-25 crore in the district.

According to the Bangladesh Flower Society, there are about 6,000 flower growers in Jessore. They cultivate different types of flowers in at least 1500 hectares of land. At least 11 types of flowers are being decorated in different fields of Gadkhali, Panisara, Navaran and Nirbaskhola of Jhikargachha upazila. A wide variety of flower fragrances including gladiolus, tuberose, rose, gerbera, marigold, gypsy, rodstick, kalandala, chandra mallika are spreading in the vast field.

However, a new dimension has been added to Gadkhali recently through the cultivation of flower tulips in the winter main country. Every year around the spring festival and Valentine’s Day, the flower growers of Gadkhali present new varieties of flowers. Tulip is a new gift for flower lovers on this Valentine’s Day.

It is learned that Gadkhali is the largest flower market in the country on both sides of Jessore Road for selling flowers produced in the area. From dawn on Friday, the flower market became noisy in the presence of buyers and sellers. There are hundreds of flower growers in roses, tuberose, marigold, gladiolus, and gerbera.

Some people keep flowers in vans, some on bicycles or in baskets and are busy with the price of flowers with Dhaka and local traders. Wholesalers are buying more flowers than on other days as the demand for flowers has been increasing for two days. At the same time, flower growers have brought double flowers to the market due to higher prices.

In Manvede, each rose is being sold for 15 to 20 rupees, which was sold only 1 to 3 rupees a month ago. Gerberas are being sold at Rs 8 to 12 per variety. Besides, marigold flowers are being sold at Rs. 500-600 per thousand. Which was earlier 200-300 rupees.

Russell Hossain, a young florist from Hariya Nimtala area of ​​Panisara, who brought flowers to Gadkhali market, said sales are getting better after many days. He hoped that the sales would increase further on the occasion of Valentine’s Day and Spring.

Rezaul Islam, a florist from Patuapara village, has cultivated roses on four bighas of land. Now the price of roses is double. Will increase further after one day. That is why caps have been put on the rose buds so that the flowers bloom late. It costs an extra three to four rupees. If you can sell those flowers targeting Valentine’s Day, the cost will be doubled.

Ismail Hossain of Panisara has cultivated tulips for the first time in Gadkhali. Seven types of tulips of different colors have blossomed in his five hundred lands. He said tulips have started blooming in his land since the last week of January. These tulips will be sold on Valentine’s Day. The farmers were seeing the light of hope as the corona and cyclone Amphan overcame the remnants. However, many flowers have been lost due to unseasonal rains. Even so, owning one is still beyond the reach of the average person.

Abdur Rahim, president of the Bangladesh Flower Society, said it was not possible to set a target for flower sales in February due to various reasons. However, the idea is that in three days at least 20-25 crore flowers can be sold.

He added that many flowers were lost due to unseasonal rains. At present the price of all types of flowers is double. The price of flowers will increase as the first Falgun and Valentine’s Day approaches.
