Khalil could not avoid death even after walking on Feeder Road

Khalil could not avoid death even after walking on Feeder Road

Khalilur Rahman (50) was going to his destination by taking a baby taxi on the side road (feeder road) to avoid the accident. But the unfortunate taxi driver could not avoid the accident. He died on the spot after colliding with a tree on the side of the road. Three more passengers were injured in the incident. The accident took place in front of Majhgram Union Parishad of Baraigram upazila of Natore on Saturday noon.

Bonpara Highway Police Inspector Keramat Ali confirmed the accident and said the injured were rescued and admitted to hospital. The process of handing over the body of the deceased to the relatives is underway.

According to Bonpara Highway Police Station sources, Khalilur Rahman, son of Hejad Ali of Nurdah village in Baraigram upazila, was going to Bonpara with three passengers in a baby taxi. He was going on the side road (feeder road) instead of going to Bonpara-Hatikumrul highway to avoid the accident. But he lost control and his baby taxi hit a tree on the side of the road. The babytaxity is twisted. Driver Khalilur Rahman died on the spot. Pedestrians rescued three critically injured passengers and admitted them to a private hospital in Bonpara.

Chairman of Majhgram Union Parishad Abdul Alim said that the feeder road is very narrow. As a result, it is not possible to give side to another vehicle. Although the feeder road was constructed to avoid accidents, the number of accidents did not decrease. On the contrary, such accidents often happen. He said the feeder road needs to be widened on an urgent basis.

Demonstration rally has been held in Bogra demanding 9 points including job without bribe and introduction of unemployment allowance. The Bogra district branch of Bangladesh Youth Union organized the rally at Satmatha in the city on Saturday at 4 pm. Bangladesh Youth Union Bogra district branch president Sajedur Rahman presided over the rally and Mamunur Rahman conducted the rally.

Notable demands of the youth union are job security without bribery and stopping bribery in recruitment and transfer; Immediate introduction of unemployment benefits; Encouraging young people to become unemployed and self-employed during coronation; Arranging for the return of expatriate youth to work on government initiative; Appointing government vacancies and closing outsourcing commission trade; To conduct recruitment test of government, semi-government, autonomous financial institutions in the divisional cities; To stop the trade of bank drafts and pay-orders in the application for job examination, to provide loans to unemployed youth on easy terms and to ensure transparency of employment banks; Ensuring clear allocation in the national budget for employment sector and ensuring employment of registered youth within one year by launching online registration center for job-seeking youth.

Bir Muktijoddha Jinnatul Islam, President of Bogra District Branch of Communist Party of Bangladesh, Shahniaz Kabir Khan, General Secretary of Bogra District Branch of Bangladesh Youth Union, Akhil Pal, Vice President, Mithun Pal, Finance Secretary, Sultan Ahmed, Organizing Secretary of Sadar Upazila Branch, Bangladesh Trade Union Center (TUC) spoke on the occasion. Acting President of Bogra District Fazlur Rahman, President of Krishak Samiti Bir Muktijoddha Santosh Kumar Pal, District President of Students Union Saddam Hossain and others.

Speakers at the rally said that the problem of unemployment in the country has reached alarming proportions. The empty rhetoric of the government about the development of the country is in fact the development of looting. The government came to power in 2008 and gave a budget of Tk 6,000 crore. Now, even if the budget is given several times more than that, there is no allocation in the employment sector.
