Charlie Kirk  Compares Rittenhouse To Jesus

Charlie Kirk Compares Rittenhouse To Jesus

The absurdity of the Republican Party continues to skyrocket led by Trump sycophants and conspiracy theorists like Charlie Kirk and his treasonous TPUSA.

The cretins of QAnon hailed Kyle Rittenhouse a hero and chanted his name during their “AMFest” conference.

Why? Because he beat the charges of killing two people.

In an interview on the right wing Christianist streaming channel Flashpoint, Kirk celebrated Kyle beating the rap, and claimed the underage shooter was unfairly charged… just like Jesus Christ.

I kid you not.

Kirk said, “A presumption of innocence, all biblical values — Plenty of people were wrongly accused all throughout the Bible, especially the Old Testament, including Jesus Christ himself.”

I mean, I have no words. Evangelicals like Kirk claim to love Jesus, except when it comes to helping the poor and “thou shalt not kill.”

Did an underage Jesus Christ carry a loaded long gun out of the state and into the temples of the money-changers, and then open fire on them, killing two and wounding another?

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