Fox News Buries NC Election Board Challenge Of Madison Cawthorn

Fox News Buries NC Election Board Challenge Of Madison Cawthorn

The big news in North Carolina, that the state election board is exercising the right to review Rep. Madison Cawthorn’s actions with regards to the January 6 insurrection and further, their right to disqualify him.

I did a Google search just for the name “Cawthorn” at 4:33 PM PST on February 9th.

You will notice all the news sources commenting on Rep. Cawthorn referred to this NCSBE ruling on his eligibility status.

All except Fox News.

Fox News’ top news search for Madison Cawthorn was this: GOP Rep. Madison Cawthorn launches campaign to impose term limits on Congress: ‘Drain the swamp’

The youngest member of Congress Tuesday launched what he hopes will be a nationwide campaign to impose term limits on members of the House and Senate, saying it’s time to “drain the swamp” in Washington.

Ignoring anything that is detrimental to Republicans and then changing the subject to a more favorable topic is the tactic Fox News and many right wing websites use to keep their viewers uninformed about the extremism that has infected the entire GOP.

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