'Hail Kyle' Rittenhouse At The Turning Point Fascist Rally

'Hail Kyle' Rittenhouse At The Turning Point Fascist Rally

We’ve already alerted you to the right-wing grifter Arizona holiday party known as AmFest 2021.

It does appear that the Green Room at this thing has a well-stocked open bar. Tucker was drunk.

And here comes another headliner, Kyle Rittenhouse, brought onto the stage as a conquering hero instead of an underage shooter.

I’m old enough to remember when his attorney advised Kyle to retire to privacy and try to get his life back.

Too many rich conservatives wanting to exploit a right-wing vigilante message to let THAT happen! Lauren Boebert calls Kyle “my new friend.”

Lauren Boebert tonight on carrying a gun to protect against threats: “It would be a shame to think that I would not have an equalizer against these threats. Just ask my new friend Kyle Rittenhouse who’s here this weekend.” pic.twitter.com/xOtrjUl2lv

— Ron Filipkowski (@RonFilipkowski) December 20, 2021

Kyle isn’t a minor anymore. He’s not a victim in any way. Like all fascist structures, the whole post-Trump conservative movement is based on violence against the “Other.” Kyle is a willing poster boy for the violent revenge fantasies of a declining White Nationalist minority.

And they’re not hiding it.

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