McConnell Breaks With Trump Over Insurrectionist Pardons

McConnell Breaks With Trump Over Insurrectionist Pardons

Mitch McConnell joined in Lindsey Graham’s condemnation of Trump for dangling pardons to January 6th insurrectionists.

Crybaby Trump told his wackos during a weekend rally that those arrested breaching the US Capitol on January 6 weren’t guilty of a crime.

Trump then backed that insane statement up on Newsmax, pretending these traitors are “the real victims” of the assault on US democracy.

Trump: Some of these people are not guilty. Many of these people are not guilty. What they’ve done to these and in many cases they’re patriots. They’re soldiers, they’re policemen… Lindsey Graham doesn’t know what the hell he’s talking about if he said that

— Acyn (@Acyn) February 2, 2022

“Many of these people are not guilty. What they’ve done to these and in many cases they’re patriots. They’re soldiers, they’re policemen, what they’ve done to them…Lindsey Graham doesn’t know what the hell he’s talking about, if he says that..equal justice, yada, yada….”

Raju asked McConnell about Trump’s outburst.

“How concerned are you about the former president offering pardons to people who attacked the Capitol on January 6th, and because of those comments, does he have the moral authority to be president again?”

McConnell didn’t hesitate to break with Trump.

“What we saw here on January the sixth was an effort to prevent the peaceful transfer of power from one administration to another, which had never happened before in our country. My view is, I would not be in favor of shortening any of the sentences for any of the people who pleaded guilty to crimes,” McConnell said.

The reason there was so much lawbreaking under the Trump administration is because people committing immoral and criminal acts on behalf of the corrupt administration knew Trump would pardon them.

It makes one wonder if Trump offered the pardons to encourage their criminality.

Never has a US president used the power of the pardon to allow his supporters to break the law, undermine the Constitution, and attempt a coup against a duly-elected US government.

At this point, presidential pardons need to come with some strings attached.

Traitor Trump is still a major threat to US democracy.

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