Peter Navarro FINALLY Gets His Subpoena!

Peter Navarro FINALLY Gets His Subpoena!

Peter Navarro, COME ON DOWN! To visit with the January 6th Committee to talk about your ADMITTED plot to overturn a legitimate and legal election. Remember, Navarro joined Ari Melber about a month ago and literally confessed to his plot, which he called the “Green Bay Sweep”. I guess the January 6th Committee got hold of that video on DVR and decided they really wanted to hear from Navarro himself.

Melber elaborated, saying that “The January 6 Committee just subpoenaed Navarro, pressing him to go under oath about his confessed plot. This Committee’s new letter asked Navarro to come in, provide evidence and testimony about his work with Steve Bannon, these plots to challenge the election, what they call this Green Bay Sweep or a coup, which he outlined, among other things.”

What is this Green Bay Sweep plot? Well, Melber explained that it was “the centerpiece of the failed Navarro/Bannon plot. They wanted to try to use to compel then Vice President Pence to claim Pence could stop the finalizing of Trump’s loss, which was lawful and complete.”

Then he played a clip where Navarro himself explained the plot. “We had over 100 Congressmen and Senators on Capitol Hill ready to implement the sweep,” Navarro bragged. “We were going to challenge the results of the election in six battleground states. Most or all of those states would decertify the election. That would throw the election to the House of Representatives. The election was still in doubt. We were following the Constitution and rules of the Senate to simply get a recount of what the votes were.”

Melber pushed back on this crazy plot, flat out asking Navarro “Do you realize you are describing a coup?” to which Navarro responded “no.”

But it was a coup plot. A literal admission. On live tv. OF A PLOT WITH 100 Members of Congress! Who are still IN CONGRESS TODAY!?

So this subpoena is really critical. As Melber told viewers, the committee “demands that he testify about the claim that over 100 Members of Congress were in on it and that Trump was on board. The committee wants documents by February 23rd and a deposition on March 2nd. These are escalations in a multifaceted plot to steal the election. Let’s be clear, Bannon, now indicted, and Navarro, now under subpoena, they call it a sweep. Other experts see a coup. Will Navarro comply or resist, risking more legal jeopardy?” The subpoena actually notes that Navarro has “already discussed these issues in interviews with reporters. We look forward to discussing them with you too”

This is, as Ari notes, “as close to shade as a formal Congressional investigation gets.”

So will he show up? He does like to talk. A lot. And he definitely thinks he is the smartest man in the room. Will his hubris overtake his sense of self preservation? Will he name names and list of those 100 Members of Congress that were in on the coup?

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