Release of satellite images of more Russian military deployments

Release of satellite images of more Russian military deployments

Russia has deployed new troops in several areas near Ukraine, according to US-based aerospace technology company Maxar Technologies.

It has been claimed that some satellite images were recently released in the area. News Reuters.

For weeks, US company Maxar Technologies has been monitoring the deployment of Russian troops on the Ukrainian border. Releasing some satellite images, the agency said new Russian troops had been deployed in Crimea, western Russia and other parts of Belarus. The images were captured on satellite last Wednesday and Thursday, local time, the company said. However, the news agency Reuters said that they could not verify the authenticity of the pictures separately.

Russia annexed the region from Ukraine in 2014, annexing Crimea. Maxar says a large number of new troops have been deployed at the Oktayberosky airport north of the Crimean city of Simferopol. The presence of 500 army tents and hundreds of vehicles has also been identified in the area.

Satellite imagery shows new troops and equipment approaching Crimean Novuzerno, Maxer claims. New troops have also been deployed near the town of Slavon in the northwest coast.

The group claims that new troops have been deployed in Belarus, where Russia is conducting joint exercises. Military vehicles and helicopters were seen at the Giabrovka airport near Gomel.

Russia has not said how many troops have been deployed so far. They claim they have the right to deploy troops wherever they wish within their territory. Moscow has further claimed that they are not posing a threat to the outside world.
