8 Rohingyas rescued, 1 detained while being trafficked to India

8 Rohingyas rescued, 1 detained while being trafficked to India

RAB-15 rescued seven Rohingyas while they were being trafficked to India from Ukhia Rohingya camp in Cox’s Bazar. Among them are six women and one man. At that time, a member of the human trafficking ring named Idris was arrested.

Seven Rohingyas were rescued around 2am on Thursday (February 10). On Friday (February 11) afternoon, RAB-15 captain Khairul Islam Sarkar confirmed the matter.

According to the RAB, a special check post was set up in the Cheinda area of ​​Ramu on Thursday after receiving secret information of human trafficking from the Rohingya camp. Seven Rohingya men and women were rescued while being taken away in a CNG-powered autorickshaw this time. They were being trafficked by a member of the human trafficking ring. Idris.

RAB-15 commander Khairul Islam Sarkar said human traffickers were taking the Rohingyas to neighboring countries. But their plans were thwarted by the RAB’s intelligence activities.

He said, in the initial interrogation. Idris named Bashar and Syed Hossain. Who are members of the human trafficking ring. It is being investigated who is involved in this cycle.
