See What His Former Employer Said About FL Surgeon General

See What His Former Employer Said About FL Surgeon General

The University of Florida hired Ron DeSantis’s favorite anti-vax doc Joseph Ladapo after he was named the state’s surgeon general last year, but according to records, his former supervisor in California was not all that enthused. Via Tampa Bay Times:

A supervisor at the University of California at Los Angeles offered unflattering comments about Ladapo on an employment verification form that was described in a background report prepared for Ladapo’s confirmation by the Florida Senate. Ladapo had worked as an associate professor at UCLA’s school of medicine since 2016.

“Would you rehire the applicant?” the form asked.

“No,” the supervisor answered. “I have recruited new faculty and do not have the resources to re-hire Dr. Ladapo.”

The form asked if the employer was aware of any derogatory information. “Yes,” came the response. “Most of this is described in the public press/media.”

Another question: “Would you recommend the applicant as Surgeon General of Florida and (have) confidence in his ability, honesty and integrity to perform related duties?”

The answer: “No. In my opinion, the people of Florida would be better served by a Surgeon General who grounds his policy decisions and recommendations in the best scientific evidence rather than opinions.”

The UCLA supervisor stated that Ladapo caused “concern among a large number of his research and clinical colleagues and subordinates who felt that his opinions violated the Hippocratic Oath that physicians do no harm.” The person also stated that Ladapo created “stress and acrimony” by publishing op-eds with controversial beliefs surrounding masking, vaccines, natural immunity and lockdowns.

You know, if I lived in Florida, I wouldn’t feel safe with this guy. He’s clearly a DeSantis prop for his presidential aspirations, and not all that interested in keeping Floridians safe.

Joseph Ladapo, appointed to FL Surgeon General by Ron DeSantis, gave a bizarre word salad response after being asked FIVE times during his confirmation to answer yes or no whether vaccines work against COVID. He is a disgrace to the medical

— Thomas Kennedy (@tomaskenn) January 26, 2022

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