Stunning COVID Death Chart Proves Fox News Is Menacing Public Health

Stunning COVID Death Chart Proves Fox News Is Menacing Public Health

The New York City COVID19 Data Report proves how detrimental to the health and safety of its citizens right wing media, including Fox News has been during the omicron surge.

This holds true for the entire pandemic, actually.

If you look at the two charts you can see the differences in hospitalizations of those vaccinated and unvaccinated during the omicron outbreak.

In in the second graph you can see the differences in deaths between those vaccinated and unvaccinated during the omicron outbreak.

But the millions of people that watch Fox News are bombarded by anti-vax, anti-mask, and anti-COVID deniers attacking all precautions and mandates that the medical community has used to try and guide us through the pandemic safely.

Fox News hosts incessantly drone on about how Biden’s mandates are the reason people are dying instead of admitting the virus is killing them.

Fox News viewers are told to constantly to just ignore Covid restrictions and live your life free from government tyranny. The tyrant is the virus, not the government.

STUNNING charts showing unnecessary hospitalizations, death, heartache: The yawning gap between vaccinated New Yorkers and unvaccinated during the Omicron wave. The purple line is unvaccinated. Orange is vaxxed. They are not close.

— Steven Dennis (@StevenTDennis) February 11, 2022


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