Tensions are running high in the Middle East, including in Saudi Arabia

Tensions are running high in the Middle East, including in Saudi Arabia

Extreme tensions are running high not only in the two countries but also around the world over the deployment of Russian troops on the Ukrainian border. In this situation, some countries in the Middle East, including Saudi Arabia, have joined hands with the West for the safety of their citizens. Arab News reported this information in a report on Saturday.

According to the report, Saudi Arabia has issued various instructions to its citizens, including a travel ban on Ukraine. The Saudi embassy in Kiev on Saturday called on Saudi nationals in Ukraine to contact the embassy as soon as possible due to rising tensions with Russia. The Saudi embassy called on Saudi nationals to leave the country quickly.

Saudi nationals have also been urged not to travel to Ukraine, according to a report on the country’s state television.

In addition to Saudi Arabia, the Middle East, the United Arab Emirates, Jordan and Iraq have also banned their citizens from traveling to Ukraine. Citizens in Ukraine have been instructed to leave the country immediately.

Earlier, the United States and the United Kingdom called on their citizens to leave Ukraine as soon as possible.

Meanwhile, the United States on Saturday ordered the removal of non-essential diplomats from Kiev amid tensions over the deployment of Russian troops on the Ukrainian border.

But not only the United States, but Russia on Saturday announced the removal of some diplomats from Kiev.
