Report: White House Records Confirm Jordan Spoke To Trump On 01/06

Report: White House Records Confirm Jordan Spoke To Trump On 01/06

CNN is reporting that two sources confirmed Trump spoke on the phone at the White House residence with Rep. Jim Jordan for 10 minutes the morning of the insurrection on January 6.

Rep Jim Jordan has admitted he spoke to Trump on January 6, but refused to reveal anything about the calls and claims that he speaks to Trump all the time to deflect away from his possible involvement with the attempted coup.

“For the first time we could learn through these White House call records that were part of the that information of documents that was part of the National Archives that was transferred to the Select Committee that there is entries on a call record that show that the former president asked to speak to Jim Jordan on the phone and that pair spoke for 10 minutes while Trump was in the White House on the morning of January 6,” Correspondent Ryan Nobles said,

“Jordan then took to the House floor to object to the certification of President Joe Biden’s electoral college win,” reported CNN New Day.

It has also been confirmed that Jordan texted mark Meadows and wanted Mike Pence to refuse to count legal electoral votes to overturn the election for the former guy.

It’s obvious that Jordan was part of what Trump and his team had planned to do to try and overturn the 2020 presidential election..

Now Rep. Jordan must go under oath and testify to what he and Trump talked about.

Is it any wonder Kevin McCarthy tried to submit Jim Jordan as a member of the committee investigating the insurrection?

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