The United States is withdrawing troops from Ukraine

The United States is withdrawing troops from Ukraine

NATO, a Western military alliance, has stepped up its military presence in Europe amid ongoing tensions over the Ukraine-Russia issue. The United States has sent military equipment to various European countries to deal with Moscow. All in all, when the situation heats up, it is announced that almost all US troops stationed in Ukraine are being evacuated. News AFP.

The Pentagon spokesman John Kirby made the announcement on Saturday. He said Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin had ordered the temporary removal of 160 members of the Florida National Guard based in Ukraine. They are stationed in the country as advisers to the Ukrainian military.

Moscow has already gathered millions of troops on the Ukrainian border. Military exercises are also going on regularly. Western nations, including the United States, have repeatedly demanded that Russia launch such an attack on Ukraine. The White House has called on U.S. citizens to leave the country immediately, fearing an attack. It has also been decided to move US diplomats from the capital Kiev to the Polish border.

John Kirby said US troops would be withdrawn from Ukraine and relocated to Europe. They have been stationed in Ukraine since 2015 as consultants. Ukraine also has troops from other NATO member states, such as Canada and Germany.

However, a Pentagon spokesman said the withdrawal was not a sign of US support for Ukraine’s armed forces.

Meanwhile, as tensions in the Western world surrounding Ukraine escalate, diplomatic meetings are being held intermittently. Following this, US President Joe Biden and French President Emmanuel Makhon had a phone conversation with Russian President Vladimir Putin on Saturday.

Earlier, a White House official told Reuters: “They (Biden and Putin) will talk on the phone on Saturday morning. Russia offered the phone call on Monday. But we offer counter Saturday. They agree to our proposal.
